Welcome to the Wright Center

Our center specializes in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus (eye muscle disorders) in adults and children. We have extensive experience in adults with eye muscle problems including those with double vision. Difficult cases are referred for state-of-the-art eye muscle surgery.

Our surgical techniques include minimally invasive surgery, and safety techniques such as use of the Wright hook, antiseptic soaked sutures, and recession with hang back fibrin glue. These new techniques are not routinely preformed elsewhere, but are important as they greatly reduce and almost eliminate the surgical risk to the eye, making strabismus surgery very safe and effective.

We strive to provide world-class care with compassion and a personal touch. Here, in a friendly environment, we hope you will feel like part of our family.

Our Foundation
An important aspect of the Center is the Wright Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The Wright Foundation supports academic pursuits of research, education, as well as our clinic for underprivileged children.

For more information and opportunities to donate please see our Wright Foundation page.